Interview Questions

If I have a string like ......

Microsoft Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

103. If I have a string like ......

If I have a string like

this is a example ,
if you have /../ then dont remove the letters and / before , just remove /../

Another example
if you have /.../ then remove the letters before and itself

maybe an answer:

This can be done easily by a perl using split
print "Enter the string \n";
$a = <>;

@b = split(/\.\.+\//,$a);
print "The modified string is \n";
print @b;

Split it with '/' Use a stack and push elements in the stack, whenever you encounter a ..., pop the last element out of the stack. Whenever u get .. then ignore it then pop everything and prepend it

(Continued on next question...)

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