Interview Questions

Delete a node from singly linked list given head pointer and pointer of the node .....

Microsoft Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

273. Delete a node from singly linked list given head pointer and pointer of the node .....

Delete a node from singly linked list given head pointer and pointer of the node.

Variation: How you delete the node given that you cant delet the node. ex: head->1->2->3->4->NULL. How you delete 3 from list given that you can't do anything to node 3.

Write test cases of all.

maybe an answer:

void deleteOneNode(Node **header, Node *toBeRemoved) {
if(**header && *header && *toBeRemoved)
if(*header == toBeRemoved)
*header = toBeRemoved->next;
delete toBeRemoved;
Node *current= *header;

while(current->next && current->next!=toBeRemoved)

delete toBeRemoved;

(Continued on next question...)

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