Interview Questions

What is A Flash Content Management System (Flash CMS) ?


(Continued from previous question...)

What is A Flash Content Management System (Flash CMS) ?

A Flash Content Management System (Flash CMS) is a Content Management System specifically designed to create and manage Adobe Flash Content. The main purpose of a Flash CMS is to generate Flash content within a browser environment. To qualify as a Flash CMS an application must be able to manage text, images, sound, movies, animations and actions. All editing must be done in a way that no programming skills are needed to use the application. Output generated by a Flash CMS should require the Flash Player.

A Flash CMS is not a Flash based application that generates HTML pages.
A Flash CMS can be a standalone product or it could be an add on to an existing Content Management System.
There are different levels of Flash CMS and different targets
* Simple Level or site builders, Predefined templates where users can use custom images and texts to generate slideshows.
* Advanced Level, Users can start with a blank sheet and add media, animation and navigation within the flash.
* Development oriented, set of Flash components or frameworks - i.e. set of classes.
* Target Consumer or widgets generators, main purpose is to help people add flash content to their MySpace and Facebook sites. * Target Business, main focus is integration with or replacement of traditional Content Management System

(Continued on next question...)

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