Interview Questions

C/C++ Questions only (System Dependencies)

C++ programming on UNIX, C++ Networking,C++ Algorithm Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

C/C++ Questions only (System Dependencies)

1. How can I read a single character from the keyboard without

waiting for the RETURN key?

2. How can I find out how many characters are available for reading,

or do a non-blocking read?

3. How can I display a percentage-done indication that updates

itself in place, or show one of those ``twirling baton'' progress


4. How can I clear the screen, or print things in inverse video, or

move the cursor?

5. How do I read the arrow keys? What about function keys?

6. How do I read the mouse?

7. How can I do serial (``comm'') port I/O?

8. How can I direct output to the printer?

9. How do I send escape sequences to control a terminal or other


10. How can I do graphics?

11. How can I check whether a file exists?

12. How can I find out the size of a file, prior to reading it in?

13. How can a file be shortened in-place without completely clearing

or rewriting it?

14. How can I insert or delete a line in the middle of a file?

15. How can I recover the file name given an open file descriptor?

16. How can I delete a file?

17. What's wrong with the call "fopen("c:\newdir\file.dat", "r")"?

18. How can I increase the allowable number of simultaneously open


19. How can I read a directory in a C program?

20. How can I find out how much memory is available?

21. How can I allocate arrays or structures bigger than 64K?

22. What does the error message ``DGROUP exceeds 64K'' mean?

23. How can I access memory located at a certain address?

24. How can I invoke another program from within a C program?

25. How can I invoke another program and trap its output?

26. How can my program discover the complete pathname to the

executable from which it was invoked?

27. How can I automatically locate a program's configuration files

in the same directory as the executable?

28. How can a process change an environment variable in its caller?

29. How can I read in an object file and jump to routines in it?

30. How can I implement a delay, or time a user's response, with

sub-second resolution?

31. How can I trap or ignore keyboard interrupts like control-C?

32. How can I handle floating-point exceptions gracefully?

33. How do I... Use sockets? Do networking? Write client/server


34. How do I use BIOS calls? How can I write ISR's? How can I

create TSR's?

35. But I can't use all these nonstandard, system-dependent

functions, because my program has to be ANSI compatible!

(Continued on next question...)

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